Teenage Anxiety
Teenage anxiety is a very normal part of the adolescent and teen years; these years can be some of the most stressful in a person’s whole life. Some anxiety can be helpful; dealing with tricky situations, putting in extra effort to studying for an exam, maintain focus during a big presentation. For most individuals, anxiety is a phase that lasts for a while and then dissipates on its own. Unfortunately, for some, anxiety explodes beyond normal reactions, remains consistent, and a teen to start avoiding normally enjoyed activities and places.
Anxiety disorders, one of the most common types of mental health concerns experienced by all ages, are mental health disorders that include extreme amounts of unremitting fear, nervousness, dread, or worry. When anxiety becomes an excessive and irrational dread, it has morphed beyond normal anxiety and has become a disabling yet treatable mental health condition.
A big question that parents face is how they know when teenage anxiety has moved beyond normal stresses and when it is time to seek help? Below are some common signs to look for.
Physical Signs of Anxiety
- Frequent headaches, including migraines
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Unexplained aches and pains
- Sudden changes in eating habits
- Refusal to eat in the cafeteria or other public places
- Refusal to use public restrooms
- Unusually restless, fidgety, hyperactive or distracted
- Shakes or sweats excessively in intimidating situations
- Constantly tenses muscles
- Has trouble falling or staying asleep

Emotional Signs of Anxiety
- Cries often
- Becomes cranky or angry for no clear reason
- Afraid of making even minor mistakes
- Extreme test anxiety
- Doubts previously mastered skills and abilities
- Cannot handle even constructive criticism
- Panic attacks
- Pressing phobias or excessive fears about natural disasters
- Excessive worry about the future and upcoming activities
Behavioral Signs of Anxiety
- Starts withdrawing from activities she once loved
- Avoids participating in class activities
- Remains silent or preoccupied when expected to work with others
- Refuses to go to school
- Avoids social situations with peers after school or on weekends
- Refuses to speak to peers or strangers in stores and restaurants
- Begins to have explosive outbursts
- Engages in excessive and compulsive behaviors hand washing or tapping
Teenage anxiety is normal but excessive or crippling anxiety is not. If you believe that your adolescent is suffering from teenage anxiety, then we can help.
Miguel Brown is here to help your teenager identify and overcome anxiety issues. To learn more about Teenage Anxiety disorders to work through them, you can Schedule an Appointment online or Give Us a Call at 786-383-0353.